Potato Granules and Potato Flakes manufacturer


Potato chips

The idea of making them as a food item for sale in grocery stores came to many people at around the same more

Potato salad

In a large bowl, combine mayonnaise dressing, celery, onion, pickles, the 1/2 teaspoon salt, and the 1/4 teaspoon more

Potato juice

An excellent source of vitamin C and high in carbohydrates, potassium, calcium and iron. The most nutritious part of the potato is the skin. During World War I, a group of German soldiers, near starvation, were forced to live on raw potatoes. The soldiers with gastric disorders were relieved and cured.

Potato bread

Irish Potato bread, also known as fadge, slims, potato cake or potato farls, is a form of unleavened bread in which potato replaces a major portion of the regular wheat flour. It is usually cooked by baking it on a hot griddle or pan. It can be served with an Irish breakfast and in Northern Ireland, it can form part of the Ulster fry.

Potato flour

Potato flour is a gluten free flour made from potato that has been dried and ground into a powder. Potato flour is a great flour alternative for those that suffer from Celiac Disease or anyone looking to avoid gluten in their diet. Potato flour also works well as an additive to bread flours to produce moist end products due to the flour's ability to attract and retain moisture.

Potato facts (small potato 170g)

Name Amount / Daily value[%]
Sodium 10mg/1%
Potasium 720mg/20%%
Carbohydrate 30mg/10%
Fibre 4g/8%
Sugars 1g
Protein 3g
Vitamin C 50%
Calcium 2%
Iron 10%

Potato days

A perfect weekend getaway, the entire family will enjoy bushels of activities from sunrise to sunset. The festival, originally dating back to the late 30's, combines some of the more traditional fare with a new millennium twist. There's something for everyone, from the nostalgic Potato Picking and Peeling Contests to the updated Miss Tator Tot Pageant and the specialized art of Mashed Potato Sculpturing.


Solan Investment Sp. z o.o. manufacturer of dehydrated potato products in Poland, Europe.
Highest quality of mashed potato, potato flakes, potato granules and potato starch.