The only Potato Granule manufacturer in Central and Eastern Europe

Per³a ® - complete instant mashed potatoes with milk and natural butter flavour

Ingredients Quantity
1 pouch / 120 g
Boiling hot water 2 glasses

  1. Pour 2 glasses of boiling hot water into container.
  2. Add contents of pouch while stirring slowly. If too thick - pour more boiling water.
  3. Season to taste.

Yield: @ 620 g / 4 portions
Energy in 100 g serving: 68 kcal

Per³a ® - instant mashed potatoes, natural

Ingredients Quantity
1 pouch / 125 g
Warm water at temp. 70-80 ºC 2½ glasses

  1. Pour 2 ½ glasses of warm water into container.
  2. Add contents of pouch and knead gently.

*For better taste replace 200 ml of water with hot milk (temp. 70-80 ºC) and add butter or margarine.

Yield: @ 750g / 4 portions
Energy in 100 g serving: 60 kcal

Potato Dumplings

Ingredients Quantity
Per³a® - instant mashed potatoes, natural 1 pouch / 125 g
Warm water at temp.70-80 ºC 1½ glasses
Wheat flour 1 glass
Egg 1

  1. Make potato purée using 1½ glasses of hot water. Cool the mash.
  2. Add @ 1 glass of wheat flour and 1 egg to cold mash, make a dough.
  3. Form 2 cm thick cylinders.
  4. Cut them into 3 cm pieces.
  5. Put the cut pieces into salted boiling water and cook for 1-2 minutes after the dumplings come to water surface.
  6. Serve with cracklings, butter or as meat side dish.

Yield: @ 600 g / 2-3 portions

Potato Knoodles with fruit

Ingredients Quantity
Per³a® - instant mashed potatoes, natural 1 pouch / 125 g
Hot water temp. 80-70 ºC 1 ½ glasses
Wheat flour 1 glass
Egg 1

  1. Make potato purée using 1½ glasses of hot water. Cool the mash.
  2. Add @ 1 glass of wheat flour and 1 egg to cold mash, make a dough.
  3. Form 4 cm thick cylinders and cut them into small pieces.
  4. Flatten the pieces and stuff them with fresh fruit.
  5. Put knoodles into salted boiling water and cook for 1-2 minutes after they come to water surface.
  6. Serve with butter or sweet cream and sugar.

Yield: @ 600 g / 3-4 portions

Creamy Potato Soup

Ingredients Quantity
Per³a® - instant mashed potatoes, natural 1 pouch / 125 g
Chicken broth 1½ l

  1. Add 1 pouch of Perla® into @ 1½ l while stirring slowly.
  2. Do not cook.
  3. Add sour cream and parsley or dill.

Silesian Dumplings

Ingredients Quantity
Per³a® - instant mashed potatoes, natural 1 pouch / 125 g
Hot water (temp.70-80 ºC) 1½ glasses
Potato starch ¾ glass
Wheat flour ¼ glass
Egg 1

  1. Make potato purée using 1½ glasses of hot water. Cool the mash.
  2. Add @ ¾ glass of potato starch, 1 glass of wheat flour and 1 egg to cold mash, make a dough.
  3. Form 2 cm diameter balls.
  4. Put dumplings into the salted boiling water and cook for 1-2 minutes after they come to water surface.
  5. Serve with cracklings, butter, fried onion or as meat side dish with sauce.

Other dumplings with different kinds of filling like minced meat, mushrooms or vegetables can be made using that recipe.

Yield: @ 600 g / 3-4 portions

ul. £ódzka 2, 95-015 G³owno, POLAND, tel.: + 48 42 7105200, fax: + 48 42 7105300, e-mail: